15 Inspiring Oprah Winfrey Quotes to Empower You

People who follow international talk shows and media are familiar with Oprah Winfrey’s name. She is not only a billionaire media mogul but is also a producer, actress, philanthropist, and host.

Oprah Gail was born in Mississippi on the 29th of January 1954. After completing her studies, she moved to Baltimore and began her first job as a host of the television program “People are talking”, which was a huge success in 1976. She was promoted to host of a morning program on Chicago TV Station because of its popularity.

After many years of hard work, Oprah Winfrey was finally able to launch her TV seasonal show, ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show. It aired for 25 seasons, with a growing audience and response. The show had a viewership of approximately 10 million and total revenue of $125 million. Winfrey was still a horse who ran a long race, and she continued to achieve more success. She launched her television network, ‘Oprah Winfrey Network’ in 2011. The initials OWN were the initials.

Oprah Winfrey was also an actress. This was proven after she starred in ‘The Color Purple. She was awarded the Academy Award for best supporting Actress in 1985. She lost about 90 pounds to get into acting. In 1989, she starred in “The Women of Brewster Place”, a film that Harpo co-produced. Winfrey co-founded Oxygen Media, which was a company that was dedicated to women in internet programming and cable production.

Winfrey received the Golden Globes Award in 2018 and was the first African American woman to do so. She is admired for her powerful speeches and lifetime accomplishments, which are widely followed around the globe.

“The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.”

“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.”

“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.”

“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.”

“True forgiveness is when you can say, “Thank you for that experience”.”

“The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free.”

“I trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we’re not wise enough to see it.”

“You can have it all. Just not all at once.”

“Opportunity may knock only once but temptation leans on the doorbell.”

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.”

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

“Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different.”

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.”

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